Monday, March 9, 2009

Collecting Sap

It's been 10 years since we last collected sap and made Maple Syrup, but since we do live in the "Sweetest Little Town Around", Blue River Mill decided that they needed to get in on the action. This time Walker is a full participant. There wasn't much he could help with the last time around since he was only 8 months old. Here is is collecting today's sap. They collected over 37 gallons today alone! You'll also note the large lake in the background. This is what our entire yard (actually, our entire county) looks like after 2 days straight of heavy rain!

Here, Walker wanted to show you the full plastic can of the sap that they collected today. Before they pour the sap from the small buckets into this one, they pour it through coffee filters (see the last photo).

The sap goes from this can into another container and then slowly runs into this boiler. As the sap boils, the steam is AMAZING to smell (think marshmallows toasting over the open fire). From here, the sap goes into another container where it is filtered again and boiled down into the final syrup. Last night, Walker was allowed to skim and eat the foam off of the top of the boiled sap with a large spoon. He can't wait to do that again!!! If you wondered what you might be getting for Christmas from the Priests...

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TAITx3 said...

That's awesome. About 10 years ago I was so lucky to get a can of your maple syrup and it was delicious!!!
Good luck with it! ~Kara p.s. It's great to see you post again!

Chris Ann said...

I'll be waiting!!!!!!1111

Jo said...

Does that mean one will be shipped to CA?